Books & Oils

Anyone who knows me knows that I love my essential oils. I use oils multiple times a day for multiple different reasons. I've been oily a little over a year since I started using Young Living essential oils.

So it goes to figure that my love of oils has blended with my love of reading, and there are definite oils that helps with different problems every bibliophile has come across.

-Release: Every now and then, there is a book that makes you cry uncontrollably, or seriously mad or upset; books where there is a build up of emotions and you just can't move past it. Enter Release. It helps you let go of the negative emotions that the book has brought about and promote harmony, so you can move on to the next book in a happy, positive vibe.

-Fun Inspired by Oola: So anyone who hasn't heard of Oola should click that link and go learn about the Oola Seeker and the Oola Guru and learn how to make your life Oola. They have worked together with YL to create oils to help build the 7 F's in your life. One of the F's is Fun. Reading is Fun. See where I'm going with this. Add a little Fun to your wrists or diffuser and jump into your book and make reading extra fun!

-Sensation: This is the oil to use when you're reading Fifty Shades of Grey type books. It's a very floral, romantic blend that "enhances special moment" if ya catch my drift.  Read and enjoy. *Bonus: YL also makes it into a massage oil, bath gel, and lotion!!

-En-R-Gee: This is the oil to use when you're up late reading and need a little pick-me-up so you can push through and finish your page turner tonight. The scent is revitalizing and stimulating and does just as the name suggests-gives you a boost of energy!

-Stress Away: Some books are pretty damn stressful. The 5th Wave had me second guessing everyone, including myself; I was constantly on the edge of my seat and couldn't read fast enough. Stress Away helps bring you back down to calm so you can continue reading without pulling your hair out.

-Joy: Just like, Fun, this is a great oil to put on before every reading session. It's floral and comforting and inspires, well, joy! Put some over your heart and dive into your book.

So there you go folks! Six oils to use to get you through all your reading woes!
