My Becoming Journey: Week Six

This week, some of my entries were super easy, like the last one where I had to list ten things I like to do for fun. Others though required some work, like finding out what were some of the headlines on the day I was born. But still, I am enjoying working my way through this. At the end of this week, I have done 32 of the 155 entries (if I have counted right), and have already started looking at other journals I can work on when I complete this one.

February 3, 2020

Have you ever felt subject to a cliche? How did you react?

A photo of me circa 2009,
the first time I ever put a non-
traditional color in my hair.
(Source: My Photo Collection)
Most of my life, I have been a blonde. Although I have colored my hair every color under the sun, blonde has been my go to shade. There have been multiple occasions where this color has caused people to judge me and assume I am a "dumb blonde." I have had people dumb things down for me, assume I have jobs that depend on my look, and think that my main interest is me. When I am able to hold conversations about travel, politics, classical literature, and music, among other things, the look on their face is pure shock. Any time I have had any unnatural color in my hair, the treatment is worse. I am no longer considered dumb, I am considered a rebel, and not the good kind. I have learned to let my brains and actions speak for themselves, but can't help but feel proud when I have proved them wrong. Like Michelle has said, "when they go low, we go high."

February 4, 2020

Look outside a window in your home. Write down what you see.

It's 9:30 at night, so it's pretty dark, but I can see down to the canal. A man is bundled up in a heavy jacket, hat, and scarf while he waits for his dog to do his business. The dog is also wearing a sweater that is black and white, and by the way it's walking, it might be wearing booties. I think it's a greyhound or a whippet or some other very skinny, long dog. The rest of the canal is pretty still. There are a couple ducks next to the canal that have taken cover in some bushes, but they're fast asleep. The apartments across the way are mostly dark, but a few of them have lights on in different rooms. It looks like a very peaceful night.

February 5, 2020

What was the biggest news headline on the day you were born? Is it something that is still relevant today?

I had to do some research for this one and I am a bit disappointed. This is what I learned:

-A fuel pipe exploded under 58th street and Lexington Ave in New York City.
-Marc Camoletti's "Don't Dress for Dinner" premiered in London.
-The Orlando Thunder beat the San Antonio Riders in their first WLAF game 35-34.
-Victoria beat New South Wales by 7 wickets to win Sheffield Shield Final.

February 6, 2020

My copy of Daisy Jones &
The Six.
(Source: My Photo Collection)
What was the last great book you read? What did you learn from it?

Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It is not my usual genre that I prefer to read, but I was drawn in very early. It was a book that I wanted to read again the minute I finished, and that's rare. The characters are so raw and honest as they look back on their lives and as the reader, you feel everything they feel: love, hatred, pain, heartbreak, joy, excitement, proud. When the book was over, I felt hollowed out and raw in the best way. I cried so hard. Not because the book was over, but because I could either relate or sympathize with everything the characters experienced.

February 7, 2020

List ten fun things you like to do.

  1. Read.
  2. Do yoga.
  3. Watch crime documentaries.
  4. Paint.
  5. Play disc golf.
  6. Cook and bake.
  7. Game night with friends.
  8. Go for a long walk.
  9. Spend time at the pool during the summer.
  10. Anything with friends and family.
A drop painting I did in 2019.
(Source: Amy Peterson's Photo Collection)
If you would like to have your own Becoming journey, you can buy a copy of the journal at your favorite book store or on Amazon.
