My Becoming Journey: Week Five

I don't know how I did it because this week felt equally very long and very short, but I have five entries this week. I honestly only thought I had three, but I think that says more about my short-term memory than anything else. This week, all of my entries focused on me, and it took a lot of me to be very introspective with some of them. But I am glad I had the prompts to think about some of this stuff, because they are things I think about, but never take the time to really reflect on them.

January 25, 2020

Describe your perfect day - beginning with breakfast and ending with dinner.

My perfect morning would start with getting cuddles from both of the cats, and then taking a long shower. After that, I would go get a manicure and pedicure. Then I would come home and either read or play video games...maybe both. For dinner, Taylor and I would go to Chuy's and then have a game night with our friends.

January 26, 2020

Write a letter to your teenage self, giving advice and revealing what the future holds.

Dear Past Kelsey,

My dad and I before Junior prom - April 2008.
(Source: My Photo Collection)
Life is not going to go how you planned in the least bit. You're going to make a lot of changes, a lot of mistakes, a lot of changes that feel permanent. But it is all going to be okay. It is going to be better than okay. Because of the choices we make, we now have a life we could only dream of all those years ago. We work with dad and love; we learn more about the business every day. We have the most amazing friends who we have made beautiful memories with. We have the three most brilliant nieces who make us proud every day. We have the most amazing, fluffy cats (yes, cats) who make us laugh every day. And we have the most amazing boyfriend who every day shows us how beautiful, smart, and talented we are, and who we have shared a million laughs with. I know there are times when it gets scary or hard or sad or frustrating. But I promise you, it is all worth it.

January 28, 2020

Write a letter to your future self, outlining your expectations for the years to come.

Dear Future Kelsey,

I hope that in your time, we are happy. That's the most important thing to me, both personally and professionally. In our professional life, I hope we are successful and building the business - making dad proud. I hope our friendships and relationships have grown stronger and are full of love, laughs, and adventures. I want us to be healthier - be proud of our physical and mental strength. I hope we have made a dent in our TBR list, and if we could have an actual library, that would be amazing. If possible, I hope we continue our education; if not, I hope we still continue to learn and expand our knowledge.

January 29, 2020

What's the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?

Callie and I at the start of our spontaneous road trip.
(Source: My Photo Collection)
In 2010, I live in San Angelo where I was attending college. It was the week of Fourth of July and my oldest niece, Callie, came to visit. She would have been about 12 then. San Angelo doesn't have much going on, especially something to entertain a pre-teen. One night, maybe around 12 or 1 AM, we got the bright idea to drive to San Antonio right then and there. About an hour into the drive, we both got tired and pulled up in a rest stop that was right next to some field, corn or cotton, I don't remember. After about 10 minutes, we scared ourselves enough and hit the road again. At some point, the GPS got reprogrammed to some random coordinates, which ended up with us being on a deserted road that even the GPS didn't recognize anymore, while it was bucketing some of the worst rain I have ever driven in, and we passed what I am pretty sure was the Texas Chainsaw Murder house. Because vision was minimal, I told Callie to be on the lookout for deer. She ended up pointing out a deer that was behind us, but not until after I slammed on my breaks and had a heart attack. When we finally got to San Antonio, we were exhausted. We sleepily walked through the Riverwalk, mall, and Alamo before going to see one of the Twilight movies where we slept through it, and then drove back to San Angelo. It was hectic and crazy and I would never do that again (I'm not 19 anymore), but it is one of my favorite memories.

January 30, 2020

What were the ten biggest things that happened to you this month?

1. I made my first independent store call.
2. I threw Taylor a surprise party.
3. I started yoga again.
4. I completed my first LEGO set.
5. We booked our Jack Daniels and Lookout Mountain tours for our Tennessee trip.
6. I was consistent with writing my review and journal posts when I am supposed to.
7. I made some new paintings for the house.
8. I did not procrastinate reaching out to my doctor when my insomnia started getting bad again.
9. I decorated the office at our house.
10. We started looking for a new place to live for when our lease is up.

My first LEGO set, Lucky Cat.
(Source: My Photo Collection)

**If you would like to have your own Becoming Journey, you can purchase a journal at your favorite bookstore or here on Amazon.**
