Changes at D&C

This may sound weird to say, but I don't think about what I read. I know that I enjoy thrillers and true crime, but I do not usually think about the content of the books before I read them. What I do know is that some people listen to me talk about a book, and while I give a synopsis of the book at the beginning of each review, and depending on how recent the book is, go into some details. But I also know that I am not doing my readers justice. Some of y'all pick up the books I have reviewed to read yourself and might find yourselves in over your head with the books content. I read a lot of books that include rape, abuse of varying degrees, suicide, depression, and many other disturbing subjects. What's more, some of these subjects are from non-fiction books.

(Source: Giphy)
I never want my readers to feel that they can not trust me as a reviewer, so moving forward, any posts on books that include these topics will either include a CONTENT WARNING (CW) or TRIGGER WARNING (TW). You will find these warnings in the LABELS that I include in each post, as well as at the start of the description when I share the links. If I list a book as CW, it means that the book may have topics that are disturbing. If I list a book as TW, it means that I discuss these topics in my post. I have gone through my past reviews and added these warnings to the posts, and moving forward, I will be extremely diligent about including them in posts.

On a happier note, I want to draw attention to some other changes. You will notice that I have included a new label: Favorite Author. These are authors that I read everything they write and will read their books over and over again. Look out for this label when reading reviews. Also, you will notice that I have added some pages! At the top of the blog, you will notice some tabs: Goodreads Activity, Reading Challenge 2019, Our Shared Shelf, and Top Reads of 2018.

The first three will share different information from my Goodreads page. Goodreads Activity shows what I am doing on the page; if I add a book to my TBR, follow an author, comment, etc. Reading Challenge 2019 shows the books that have counted towards my 2019 reading challenge. Since my posts are a bit behind my reading schedule, you will see books on there that I have not posted a review on yet, so it gives you an insight into what is coming up. Our Shared Shelf give a bio and the book that is being read by Emma Watson's Goodreads book club. I am horrible at reading these books, but I try. Still, I like to promote it because they are books that I believe will change the world. The last tab is my Top Reads of 2018. This will change at the end of the year to my Top Reads of 2019. But for the time reading, it includes my favorite books that I read last year, if you're looking for something good to read.

Also, you may have noticed that posts are going up twice a week. I thought this would be temporary, and it may still be, but at least through December 2019, there will be posts on Monday's and Thursday's. For the time being, I am far enough to do this and not in a slump. Fingers crossed it stays this way!

Thank you all for reading my posts, or following on Instagram on Twitter. it really does me a lot to me. Reading has been a passion of mine since a young age and I love sharing this with everyone!
