Hope Never Dies by Andrew Shaffer

I figured since I just finished Becoming by Michelle Obama, I should stay political-erm, well, political-ish. Hope Never Dies is not political, but it is a bromance mystery about Joe Biden and Barack Obama. I came across the book on one of my online book clubs and was definitely intrigued. I did not have high hopes for it being a good book, but I knew that it would be a couple hundred pages of enjoyment nonetheless.

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
It has been six months since Obama and Biden have left office, and while Obama is having fun caravanning across the world with Bradley Cooper and other celebrities, Joe Biden has returned to Delaware to live a quiet life; he does not need Barack anyways. But one evening, Barack arrives with some news that an old conductor friend of Joe's, Finn, has died, and the circumstances are somewhat mysterious. Joe simply cannot believe that Finn had gotten himself into any sort of trouble as he has always been a good, clean man, but all of the evidence is pointing to crappy motels, drugs, and biker gangs. With the help of Barack, the two of them do some detective work of their own in hopes of bringing some peace of mind to Joe, and to Finn's daughter. They ran the United States for eight years, but can they put together clues without getting themselves hurt?

This book is definitely up there in the oddest books I have ever read. I knew this going in as the synopsis on the back of the book starts with "This mystery thriller reunites Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama for a political mashup of suspense, intrigue, and laugh out loud bromance." It was not the best book I have ever read, but it is far from the worst.

(Source: Giphy)
I guess what I really just did not like about it is that Biden kind of comes across as the crazy ex-girlfriend who is not over her ex-boyfriend, even though he has moved on and is dating some new cheerleader. The way his feelings about Barack are expressed is almost cringeworthy. I am sorry, but I have a seriously hard time thinking the Joe Biden would sound like such a pussy. That might sound crass, but listen to this:

"Unencumbered by his dead-weight loser vice president, 44 was on the vacation to end all vacations. Windsurfing on Richard Branson's private island. Kayaking with Justing Trudeau. BASE jumping in Hong Kong with Bradley Cooper....
I forced myself to look away from the computer. I turned to face the dartboard on the back wall of my office. It was an old Christmas gift from my daughter. I'd kept it in storage for many years, but now I finally had some free time on my hands....
With a snap of the wrist, I sent the dart sailing across the room. It hit its mark, right between Bradley Cooper's piercing blue eyes....
Barack even had the gall to tell People magazine that we still went golfing together on occasion. To save face, I repeated the lie. The truth was, there hadn't been any golf outings. No late-night texting. Not even a friendly poke on Facebook." (p. 11-12)

(Source: Grazia)
While I do not feel that Joe and Barack are having any issues maintaining their friendship now they no longer work alongside each other, I do feel that if Joe had his feelings hurt, he would be adult enough to say something and not throw darts at a picture of Bradley Cooper's face. That was just way too far fetched for me.

The mystery portion of the book, however, is very well written and interesting. I mean, it is not the best mystery I have ever read, but for a book that describes itself as a "bromance," it is good. Shaffer does a good job of building the plot, although there might be some excessive details. Most of the plot does seem logical and believable.

(Source: Giphy)
Honestly, I did not know what to expect from the book when I bought it, but it did not disappoint. This is supposed to turn into a series; I believe Shaffer is working on the second book. I can see myself reading them in the future, as long as they do not become to ridiculous, just for the fact that this one was lighthearted and easy.

Rating: 5/10
Author: Andrew Shaffer
Series: Obama Biden Mysteries
Genres: Mystery, Humor, Fiction
Dates Read: December 8-10, 2018
