2018 Year in Books

2018 only has a few hours left in it, and I finished my last year of the book. I am very proud of myself for reaching and surpassing my goal of 75 books, although, for a little bit, I was not sure if I would. Thanks to Goodreads, here are my final stats of the year!

(Source: Goodreads)

I was hoping to hit the 33,000 page mark, but that's okay. It's still pretty impressive if you ask me.

(Source: Goodreads)

It really does not surprise me that my Business Communications class textbook has the worst Goodreads rating of the books I read this year, but that is more because I associate the class with easily the worst professor ever. It also does not surprise me that Becoming by Michelle Obama has the highest ratings as it is easily one of the best books I have ever read and have suggested it to many people.

My goal for 2019 will be much lower as I plan on reading more classics and want to actually give them some thought as I read them. Here is to all the books we will read and have read!

(Source: Giphy)

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2019 brings you all of the joys possible! I will see you in the new year with a review on The Hobbit!

(Source: Giphy)
