A Year in Review 2019

We have finished another year and are about to enter into a new decade. I do not know what the new year and decade will bring, but I am positive about what is to come.

(Source: Giphy)
First off, I want to thank all of you for another year of support. I love being able to share my love of reading with all of you. Each time I see there is a new view of a post, my heart grows a little bigger and I feel a bit better about sharing with everyone. Whether you read the reviews or follow my Instagram or Twitter, each react and view means the world to me. I would also like to thank the authors for gracing us with their books. It is not easy pouring your heart into a book and not know what people will think of it. I keep this in mind with each book I read. Lastly, I want to thank my friends and family for all of their love and support, not just in my reading and blog, but for everything in life. I would be nothing without you.

My reading goal for 2019 was 40 books, and as of Christmas Eve, I have read 72 (I think I may be able to get one or two more in by the end of the year, but I am cutting off my tracking here. Across my 72 books, I have read 30,132 pages. My shortest book was His Favorites by Kate Walbert, which was 160 pages.This was a book selection from my book club, Up Up & Away. The longest book I read was Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell with 1,037 pages. It's not the longest book I have read, but it is only short by about 100 pages. I could not have read through Gone with the Wind quick enough and I am still heartbroken over the ending. My average book length is 418 pages, which I do think is a good length for a book.

(Source: Kelsey Darling's Goodreads page)
If you want to know what I read earlier in the year, you can head over to my 2019 Reading Challenge post. Below are the books I have read since. Titles in bold are books that I loved and recommend. If my review has been posted, the link will take you to my review; if my post is pending as of 12/24, the link will take you to the Goodreads page for the book and author.

One change you will see in the new year is I will be doing weekly journal posts. I have purchased the Becoming journal by Michelle Obama, which gives you a prompt for each entry. Each Saturday, starting on January 4, I will post the journal entries that I completed that week. Some weeks, it may just be one entry, other weeks it may be more (life gets busy). But I wanted to share this journey of learning about myself with my readers. I know that some of it might get very personal, but I will not leave out an entry.

(Source: Giphy)
Other than that, there will not be any foreseeable changes in 2020. There will still be book review posts on Monday's and Thursday's (I promise I will try to be better about posting the reviews). I will continue to list content and trigger warnings with my reviews. I will continue to make my way through my BOTM books, as well as doing some work on My Shared Shelf and Hello Sunshine books. I'm not sure what my 2020 goal will be, but I need to figure that out since I only have a week left.
(Source: Giphy)
I hope you all have a wonderful, safe, happy New Year!
