Dark Corners Collection: Books Three and Four

The next two books in the Dark Corners Collection were my most favorite and my least favorite of the seven books in the collection.

There's a Giant Trapdoor Spider Under Your Bed by Edgar Cantero

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
Four teenagers are having a sleepover: two boys and two girls. The boys are in their bunks talking about Harry Potter when one of the boys declares that there is a giant trapdoor spider under the bed. To compete with this, he says that the shadows are anti-matter. If this were any other sleepover, that would mean nothing. But here, what they say comes true. Eventually, the girls come running telling them the horrors they have brought into the world. Will all four children make it to the morning, or will the spider get them?

TAGTSUYB was super fun! Not necessarily scary, but fun. I would love/hate being a kid in that house, or a house that had that power, because my imagine can ran crazy. But I think my most favorite thing is that these kids have an imagination. I do not think fourteen year old me would have thought to make shadows anti-matter, or that the mirror people are rebelling and if you look at yourself in the mirror, your reflection will come out and kill you. Also, the amount of Harry Potter jokes and references were amazing! I could definitely see myself reading this one again if I wanted something quick. Again, it is not scary, just a little stressful, but definitely a good read!

Rating: 9/10
Author: Edgar Cantero
Series: Dark Corners
Genres: Horror, Short Stories
Dates Read: October 31, 2018

The Tangled Woods by Emily Raboteau

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
Reginald is on vacation with his wife and son; but instead of going out into the wilderness like he would prefer, they are at an all-inclusive hotel filled with rednecks, screaming children, and obnoxious hotel staff. As his patience thins with his wife and son, all he can wonder is how his life has sunk this far.

So I know this story is supposed to be a wake up call that life is not really that bad, and his experiences in the hotel are supposed to help him realize that. But all it was to me was a man bitching and moaning about how he should have gotten a speeding ticket because he is black and the cop was white but the cop was a dick because he didn’t; and bitching about how his son wants to play the wizard game with his dad and that’s the last thing Reginald wants to do; and how the woman he is having an affair with decided without him to have an abortion and that is exactly what he wants, but she did not discuss it with him. And each time you think something is about to happen, it turns out to be a dream, or he walks away from the situation. Yay for him figuring out his life does not actually suck, but this story does not belong in Dark Corners.

Rating: 1/10
Series: Dark Corners
Genres: Horror, Short Stories
Dates Read: October 31, 2018
