Dark Corners Collection: Books One and Two

Here is a little insight on how my brain works. I spend roughly four hours a week on Goodreads reviewing, doing research, looking for new books, reading reviews, and finding books that I heard people mention but did not write down the name. So when an add pops up for a horror series, and I find out that thanks to Amazon Prime, these books are free, I am going to jump on that quicker than a sailor on leave coming home to his wife. Even better, it happens right at Halloween, aka, my Christmas. Goodreads clearly knows their audience.

Hannah-Beast by Jennifer McMahon

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
In 1989, Hannah is bullied by three girls that she so badly wants to be friends with. She feels a strong connection with Manda, but the ringleader of the group is not going to encourage that relationship. On Halloween, it is time for the ultimate prank against Hannah. Giving her pieces of their own costumes, they dress her up as Hannah-Beast, and encourage her to act beast-like while trick-or-treating, and tell her to say “boo” when someone answers the door. Then they have her go on a scavenger hunt alone. This scavenger hunt turns Hannah into an unmeaning murderer. It is now 2016 and Amanda’s daughter wants nothing more than to be Hannah-Beast for Halloween, but she will not allow it. While her daughter is out with friends, Amanda cannot help but think about the horrors of that night not so long ago. Maybe it is the holiday, maybe it is the wine she has been drinking, or maybe, just maybe, Hannah-Beast has returned to exact her revenge.

So what I do like about the book is that it is a bully's worst nightmare and serves as a warning that what you think is a harmless prank could come back and haunt you, the way it haunts the person/people you bullied. When it comes the actual scare factor though, it was weak. It was an obvious plot that has been played out a million times and there was not anything to make it unique to stand on its own. 

Rating: 3/10
Genres: Horror, Short Stories
Series: Dark Corners
Dates Read: October 23, 2018

The Sleep Tight Motel by Lisa Unger

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
Eve is on the run: from her past, from her ex, from the mistakes she has made. When she pulls into the Sleep Tight Motel, she thinks that she will just stay here for the night and be on the run again. Drew, the owner, is extremely nice to her, and very helpful. Eve thinks that should her life be different, Drew would be the guy for her. But she has gotten herself into a lot of trouble, and the last thing she wants to do is get Drew stuck with that. That night, as she is just falling asleep, she hears a scream and a bump from the room next to her. But there is nothing there. She is the only guest at the motel. Why is it that everything that is happening to her not adding up? Why is Drew so helpful? And why does everything about this seem so familiar?

I had my suspicions about Eve still being alive for a while, but nothing ultimately gave it away, so I was not completely certain on how it would end. What I still am not certain of is if Drew was really alive? The stronger possibility is yes and he just has a connection to the netherworld; but there was no confirmation either way. The story was really well written and I definitely enjoyed the plot and the characters.

Ratings: 7/10
Author: Lisa Unger
Genres: Horror, Short Stories, Thriller
Series: Dark Corners
Dates Read: October 30, 2018
