Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling

So, I wanted to wait until I finished my 100 books before I started the Harry Potter series for the umpteenth time; however, last week was an extremely difficult for me and I needed something good in my life. And although the series cannot fix the wrongs, it does help me go off to Hogwarts and fight a battle where I know the good guys win.

(Source: Google Image)
I read the first book when I was in 4th grade, so 16 years ago (man, now I feel old). I had never been much for reading, and it worried my mom. She loves reading, and the fact that I couldn't seem to get through the simplest of books without becoming bored worried her. Luckily, I had an amazing Reading teacher. There was a lot of hype for the series because it had been announced that the first movie would be coming out the next year; everyone I knew was reading the series. One day, my teacher approached me with a copy she kept in the classroom. She asked me to read the first 2 chapters, if I didn't like it, she wouldn't push, but she wanted me to read the 2 chapters. From the moment I read "Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much," I needed to know why. Once I was hooked, it was only a short matter of time before I had finished the book. When I returned it to my teacher, I was completely distraught that she had lent out her copy of Chamber of Secrets and our library had a month long waiting list for it. But my saint of a father went out and bought books 1-4 for me.

I don't know how many times I have read the series since. I always read the books in November and December, because, let's be honest, they're the perfect holiday books. I read the books when I'm feeling sad and need a pick me up. Sometimes I pick up one of them at random and read through it. For me, this is the most perfectly constructed series ever, and I think that now, 16 years later, people are still reading the books and watching the movies and wanting more, shows everyone just how brilliant Rowling is.

(Source: Google Image)
The first time I read the series, what attracted me was the magic. The thought that there is real magic in the world that allows people to fly broomsticks and Elixirs of Life could keep you alive forever and you could make things float with the swish and flick of a wand gave me dreams that brought the most wonderful smiles to my face. As I got older, the adventure is what pulled me in. I imagined myself standing next to Harry as he destroyed Quiril with the power of his mothers love. I helped free Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets. I helped discover the secrets of Sirius Black. Every book gave me a new adventure that I could picture in my minds eye as clearly as I can see anything else.

Now, I'm drawn in by the magic again, but not the literal magic. The magic that pulls me is the magic of the bond of friendship and that as long as you have a couple good friends by your side, you can conquer the world. The magic of a mothers love the protects you makes me tear up. But the magic that I love the most is the magic of believing. If you believe in your self, your friends, your belief system, anything is possible. If you believe that it is always darkest before the dawn, and that good will win in the end, then you have some of the strongest magic the world has conjured.

Harry Potter may be the boy who lived, but JK Rowling is the woman who inspired millions to read, to love, and to believe.

So obviously, I love Harry Potter. But these are a few of my favorite parts of Sorcerer's Stone:

  • I love Peeves. I know that Peeves is in all of the books, but I love him. He's hilarious, he's comic relief, I hate that he isn't in the movies.
(Source: Google Images)
  • I love that there is more of a build up of the friendship the Golden Trio than in the movie. It makes the friendship feel more powerful when it's formed after the troll in the dungeon scene. 
  • I love the different obstacles that have been put together by the teachers. In the movie, we see the Devil's Snare and Wizard's Chest and the flying keys; but Snape's potions are my favorite part! It really doesn't matter how good of a wizard you are, it is all based off of smarts. It really showcases Hermione being the brightest wizard of the age. 
There are a million moments I love, but singling them out is hard. I cherish every page every time I read it, no matter if it's been months or weeks between each read.

(Source: Giphy)
