The Princess Saves Herself in This One by Amanda Lovelace

Oh my goodness! I am not one who reads a lot of poetry; yes, I have a few favorite poems, but it's not what I usually spend my time reading. I don't remember where I heard about this book. It might have been an article or a friend read it, but it somehow made it's way onto my To Be Read list, and when I was looking through it the other day, I saw it and decided I would buy it, but didn't have any intention to read it right away because right now, my currently reading stack is getting a bit ridiculous. But last night, I didn't feel like reading any of my current books, so I picked it up and I was in love.

(Source: Kelsey Darling)

Why This Book is Amazing

Because this book is poetry, I can't use my usual format with other reviews. But with this book, I'm okay with that because it fits the theme of the book.

The Princess Saves Herself in This One is told in 4 parts: the princess, the damsel, the queen, and you. Each part represents a piece of Amanda Lovelace's life and the things that she went through; and then you is her speaking to the reader, ending on a high positive note making you feel like you can go out and accomplish anything. 

While there were parts of the story that I had never been through, so I could only sympathize with her, I found myself empathizing a lot more than I have with any other book. This is what led me to reading it twice through in one sitting, and then going back and reading specific pages countless times over.

/ fat /

1.     a descriptive word.
        it has no deeper meaning.
        it should not determine
        the worth
        (or lack thereof)
        of a human being.

-what i know now that i wish i knew then." (p. 16)

This poem is from the princess. I think it's obvious why it is so powerful. If I could go back and tell 12 year old Kelsey, or even 22 year old Kelsey this statement, I would. I did not learn to love my body until I was 24 and I do not want any of my nieces or my future children, or anyone to feel that because they aren't heroine chic thin does not mean they are any less of a person. 

(Source: Giphy)

"i'm not scared
of the monsters

hidden underneath
my bed.

i'm much more scared
of the boys

with messy brown hair,
sleepy eyes,

& mouths
that only know

how to form

-my dragons." (p.38)

"who would
i have
been without
the inspiration
behind my

-probably not a poet." (p. 83)

These two poems are from the damsel. The passages that she wrote about her past relationship(s) resonated with me completely. Through them, I not only felt the pain and sorrow that she felt, but I felt all of the emotions I felt from my less than perfect college relationship. But just like Amanda, I have turned my demons into inspiration; I did not let it hold me back.

I also cried for the first of many times in this section. Here, she discusses the deaths of her oldest sister from a possible suicide and losing her mother to cancer. At this, I just hugged the book to my chest and cried for the longest time. I cannot even begin to imagine that pain, but the poems dedicated to them give you insight to it.

"once upon
a time,
the princess
rose from the ashes
her dragon lovers
made of her
crowned herself
queen of

-how's that for a happily ever after? (p. 87)

(Source: Giphy)
This is the first poem in the queen, and I am sure that this is my anthem. This is where I am in my life. I am not waiting for someone else to save me, I saved myself. Also through this chapter, Amanda writes about finding her true love and their engagement and life together. I don't have that, yet, but reading her words on how he tore through the briars and barbed wire wrapped around her heart, it gives me hope that my soulmate is out there.

"I.    he calls me

II.     he reads
         all my
         favorite books
         & then
         asks for

III.    he knows
         exactly how
         to make my coffee.
         ('light & sweet,
          just like you,' i
         always joke to him.)

IV.   he asks me
        how i am doing
        every single day
        & he
        cares to hear
        the answer.

V.     best of all,
        i know he will
        still love me
        when he
         wakes up
         tomorrow morning.

-5 things you made me think weren't possible." (p. 102)

Having been told by someone you loved and trusted that they couldn't love you anymore because of a mistake you made when they had made the same mistake multiple times over, the last one helps me know that not every person is that way.

In you, every poem is an inspiration, a push to better yourself, to save yourself. Every single poem is a battle cry for the brokenhearted, the lost, the lonely. They raise you up and tell you that you deserve every ounce of respect and love as every other person on this planet does. This last section brings everything full circle.

offers to
save you
make it
your mission
                   save yourself.

-i believe in you." (p. 152)

(Source: Giphy)
Rating: 10/10
Genre: Poetry
Pages: 152
