Another Book Slump

So it happens to the best of us, especially when you consistently read. You find yourself in a hungover from a past book and nothing else is good enough. You start book after book after book and just can't connect to anything. In the last two weeks, I started about 8 books and only made progress on one of them, but only by reading a chapter or two every other night.

All of this is because of Red Queen, however, I'm not ready to read the second book yet because the third book is still quite a long time away from being released.

And in the evenings, I've been trying to do some writing. For the last couple months, I've been working on a book, and when I spend too much time reading, I don't get in as much writing as I'd like and then I get writers block because I've spent too much time away from the book, and right now, my book is very important to me.

To help me with this, I'm reading something I know will be good: A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. This is my first time reading it, but I've seen enough of the show to know that it is very easily going to make it to my LOVE shelf (although the screening I put the books that end up there need to be a little more strict because in one year, it has filled quickly).

I promise, in August I will be more diligent about my posts, both reviews and other book-related topics.

Happy Reading!
