Book Slump

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't been writing many posts lately, but I haven't been reading much lately either. I've been in a bit of a slump lately. I have read so many wonderful books this year, and lately, none of the books I've read have measured up to some of the better earlier ones. Part of me wants to go back and re-read them, but I'm trying not to re-read any books that I've already read this year until I reach my goal of 100.

I've also been working on my own book lately, so that take time away in the evenings. I can't really read or listen to another book when I'm trying to write something that is my own. However, I have found a wonderful set of songs to listen to that keeps me motivated to write more without distracting me.

And sadly, I've been down with migraines more often than not. It's that time of the year with all of the rain.

But I promise, I will try and be better and get some more reviews out, and if not reviews, little tidbits of fandoms. Currently, I'm working on Illuminae by Amie KaufmanThe Silver Chair by C.S. LewisThe Rose & the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh, and All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks. Illuminae and The Silver Chair are definitely amazing and I'm sure once I have some time to really devote to it, I'll work past my reading slump.

Happy reading!
