I'm Back Baby Doll!

Hello Darlings, 

For quite some time, I have been away from my pet project, Darling & Co. Being stuck in quarantine, books were losing their magic for me. 2020 and 2021 was extremely hard for myself, the country, and the world, and escaping into old favorites just weren't cutting it anymore. I'm sure a lot of you understand; this is something we've all dealt with.

It took time, but finally, books worked their way back into my life. In 2021, I started with a goal of just 20 books. Now, on the last day of the year, I am very close to finishing my 126th book, and I miss sharing my love. So finally, after a year and a half sabbatical, I am bringing back my reviews.

There will be some changes. I have big plans for the future that will take time to pan out. I also don't want to get burnt out again. But here are some things you can expect:

  • A new name (and new accounts)! What was Darling & Co. is now Read Me Like... 
    • The website address has also updated, readmelike.blogspot.com. All old posts are still available. If you are looking for something specific, you can use the Labels and Archive tabs or the search bar. 
    • A new IG account. It was hard deleting the old one, but when I did, I really didn't think I would post again. The new account is @ReadMeLike_. All new posts can be found there.
    • A new Twitter account. This can be found @ReadMeLike_. Again, all posts can be found there.
  • A new post schedule. Read Me Like will start with just one review a week as I get back in the swing of my reviews. However, there will also be a second post each week with book news, something light hearted, or some of my own personal writing.
    • Each Tuesday will be a new review.
    • Each Friday will be a book or writing post.
  • Themed posts! Well, sort of. 
    • Each month I plan on reading my BOTM book as I receive it, so each month will have one post from there.
    • I will also post one non-fiction book each month, probably in the true crime genre.
    • The other two weeks in each month will be fiction. Because of my love of horror, suspense, and thrillers, these reviews will probably be in those genres. But I also want to branch out and will include special books during Black History Month, Women's History Month, Asian Pacific Islander History Month, and other important dates throughout the year. 
    • There will also be posts through the year of drafts that were completed before I took a break. I will make a note at the start of those posts so you know that they are from a previous time.
I am so happy to be back writing again and I cannot wait to start 2022 with my darling readers!

Happy New Year!
