Notes from the Upside Down: An Unofficial Guide to Stranger Things by Guy Adams

I don't know about you, but I love Stranger Things. If you haven't watched it, stop right now and go watch it. Not because there are spoilers below (there are), but because it's literally that good. I'll wait.

(Source: Giphy)
Okay, now that you've watched it and fallen in love, and not just with Steve Harrington, but the entire cast and premise, you can read the review.

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
Notes from the Upside Down is a collection of all of the nerdy things related to Stranger Things. Now, I would never write a companion novel for a TV series, I'm more of a closet nerd, I'm very grateful for Guy Adams writing this, because now I can go watch all movies and TV shows, listen to all of the music, and read all of the books that are referenced and inspired the Duffer Brothers.

The book goes through each episode of season one (it's only about the first season, I don't know if there will be more for season two and future seasons). It gives you a little recap of the episode and then it starts to break it down. First it goes into "Familiar Things," which are references that inspired the Duffer Brothers. Then it goes into "Stranger Sounds," which is the music you hear throughout the episode. "Real Things" are things that actually happened in real life, maybe to the Duffer Brothers, in the city of Hawkins, or in the world at large during this time; all of these things also influenced the story line. "Honorable Strangers" is the last little bit and it tells you about cameo's made by people. The last part of the chapter is a quiz on that episode. I was a little disappointed in myself, despite the amount that I have watched both seasons, the questions were difficult. Also, Guy Adams gives you "Additional Homework" that usually involves watching a movie, reading a book, or making an upside down cake.

(Source: Giphy)
 In between the chapter are mini-chapters of sorts that talk about "The DNA of Stranger Things." These chapters review the huge inspirations for the Duffer Brothers. This covers everything from writers and directors to conspiracy theories and government projects. Again, these have a form of "homework" at the end of it.

Finally, the Appendixes go over: "Hardly Strangers," "Even Stranger Sounds," "Eighties Movie Playlist," and the "Quiz Answers."

This was definitely a fun book to read and I definitely think any lover of Stranger Things would find joy in this book, along with some fun facts that aren't on the internet.

Rating: 8/10
Genres: Non-fiction
Author: Guy Adams

(Source: Giphy)
