A Big Review: Part 2

(Source: Kelsey Darling via BeFunky Photo Editor)
So we're going to play some catch up here because I've been a bad blogger. And I'm extremely sorry. I could give you every excuse in the book, some are valid, some are not, but it cannot be denied that I have neglected my books and my readers. So I'm going to do some mini-reviews for the books I've read. Mostly, they're mini because it's been so long since I've read them and it would be a disservice to you and to the author to write a full blown review when I don't remember all the details. But I do remember how each of these books made me feel, and that is what these will be based off of. So I hope you enjoy!

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (Read from May 22nd-23rd, 2017)

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
Like a lot of people, I read this in high school; I really wanted to read it again so see how I felt about it as an adult. I'm sad to say that it was better in high school. I also know that I didn't fully read it in high school; Sparknotes were very essential to me then. I remember thinking that Guy Montag was a hero for trying to save the books. Part of me still believes he is; but I also feel that Guy is an idiot. He went about saving the books, and going against society, all wrong. He was too erratic. His biggest mistake was telling his wife about all of it. I wish I hadn't read the book again; in my mind it was a great story of a man trying to do the right thing and return life to how it should be. This time around, it was the story of a man who had a break down and ran away.

Rating: 4/10
Author: Ray Bradbury
Genres: Classics; Science Fiction; Dystopia
***100 Books to Read in a Lifetime List***

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky (Read on Mary 23rd, 2017)

I really like this book. I really like the movie. I think a lot of it has to do with it taking place in the 90s. I also completely understand what it is to be a wallflower; and I love it. Although, like most books, I have a love/hate relationship with what happens to Charlie as a child and the guilt he takes in to his teenage-hood. I know that this happens in the real life. The love part of it comes from the fact that he is able to get help, and he is loved and respected just the same. For that reason, I think that this is a very important book to read.

Rating: 8/10
Author: Stephen Chbosky
Genres: Young Adult; Contemporary; Fiction
***100 Books to Read in a Lifetime List***

Sex Object: A Memoir by Jessica Valenti (Read on May 24th, 2017)

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
Jessica Valenti is my spirit animal. I say that about a lot of women, but I only say it if I mean it. Jessica's memoir is very easy to relate to. I can pretty much guarantee that any woman who reads the book can relate to at least 5 anecdotes. The other thing that makes this book so good is that Jessica has a great voice. She could make reading the dictionary interesting. The way she tells her story pulls you in. She has a way of making things light, but still important. For these reasons, Sex Object has found its home on my LOVE bookshelf.

Rating: 10/10
Author: Jessica Valenti
Genres: Feminism; Autobiography; Nonfiction

Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Irin Carmon (Read from May 24th-25th, 2017)

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
I love RBG. She is another spirit animal of mine. Knowing about why she is the way she is; how she got there; it all makes me love her more. I would follow her into battle, and I am so glad that she is part of the Supreme Court. People like her in politics give me hope.

Ratings: 10/10
Author: Irin Carmon
Genres: Nonfiction; Biography; Feminism

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (Read from May 25-26th, 2017)

(Source: Kelsey Darling)
I received Gone Girl as a gift from a dear friend. Knowing my love for psycho dramas, she knew that I would love the book. And I did...up until the very end. Spoiler alert: THE WOMAN GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!!! Like seriously?! She gets everything that she wants: the perfect husband, the happy parents, the baby. And yet she's a murderer! She almost successfully set her husband up for murder. She is certifiably crazy! And the husband can't do a damn thing! I know that not every story has a happy ending, but that is a downright horrible ending. I'm almost certain that I threw the book across the room upon finishing it. The ending made me go from loving it to tolerating it.

Rating: 3/10
Author: Gillian Flynn
Genres: Mystery; Crime; Fiction
